Infill Density
- Adjusts the density of infill for a given print, ranging from 0 to 100%, the former meaning the print is completely hollow and the latter resulting in a print that is completely solid. Influences print time and material used as well as most subsequent infill settings.
Infill Line Distance
- Distance between infill lines measured in millimeters. This setting is normally calculated by the values set for infill density and infill line width, however a custom value can be set if desired.
- Adjusts the density of infill for a given print, ranging from 0 to 100%, the former meaning the print is completely hollow and the latter resulting in a print that is completely solid. Influences print time and material used as well as most subsequent infill settings.
Infill Pattern
- Varying options of infill patterns ranging from cubic, hexagonal, gyroid, concentric, etc. Differing patterns offer variances in print strength versus material used. Generally can be left alone as the slicing program will select the most appropriate pattern for a selected density
Infill Line Multiplier
- Divides infill lines from one to several if needed, resulting in a stronger model. Will increase print time and material usage.
Infill Overlap Percentage
- Defines the amount of overlap between the infill and exterior wall filament lines. Higher overlap ensures better adhesion between the walls and infill but requires more material.
Infill Layer Thickness
- Thickness per layer of infill lines in millimeters. Generally should remain the same as standard layer height to ensure consistency across the entirety of the print.
Gradual Infill Steps
- Defined by the number of times to reduce infill density between the top and bottom layers. Higher values will result in less infill at the bottom of the print and more at the top whereas a value of zero will result in totally uniform distribution of infill material through out the model. Can reduce print time and material used in exchange for lowered print strength.
Ultimaker Main Hub
Advanced Training Hub
Advanced Slicer Settings Hub