Wall Thickness
- Thickness of the exterior walls of the print measured in millimeters. Cura divides this measurement by the overall line width to find the number of exterior walls to be used for a particular print.
Wall Line Count
- A custom value for the number of exterior walls that can be designated if necessary
- Thickness of the exterior walls of the print measured in millimeters. Cura divides this measurement by the overall line width to find the number of exterior walls to be used for a particular print.
Top/Bottom Thickness
- Thickness in millimeters of the top and bottom layers of a given print. Cura divides this measurement by the overall layer height to determine the total number of top and bottom exterior layers. Note, this option can be divided into individual measurements for top and bottom if necessary.
Optimize Wall Printing Order
- When checked, this setting will slice the model in such a way that minimal retractions are used and less distance is traveled when printing exterior shells. Generally left on, although it can affect print time for certain models.
Fill Gaps between Walls
- When enabled, fills gaps between individual shells with infill if said gap is not wide enough for an additional shell.
Horizontal Expansion
- Measured in millimeters, influences the amount of horizontal offset allowed for a particular print to account for under or oversized features such as holes.
Enable Ironing
- Allows the hot end to run over the top surface of a model without extruding material to melt the top layers of filament together for a smoother surface finish. Can greatly influence print time depending on the size of a particular model.
Ultimaker Main Hub
Advanced Training Hub
Advanced Slicer Settings Hub