
  • Enable Retraction

    • Allows the extruder to retract filament further back into the hot end when moving over a non printed area to prevent stringing.
  • Retract at Layer Change

    • When checked, allows the extruder to retract filament when rising to the next layer of the print. Generally not recommended except in special circumstances as the hot end will already be over a printed area when changing layers.
  • Retraction Distance

    • Measured in millimeters, governs the amount of filament retracted by the extruder when needed. Larger values will help to prevent stringing but can present issues as the extruder must force the filament back to the hot end to resume printing.
  • Retraction Speed

    • Governs the speed at which filament is retracted and primed during the retraction process. Similar pros and cons to retraction distance.
  • Retraction Extra Prime Amount

    • During the priming process, a small amount of filament can leak or ooze through the hot end which can produce unnecessary features or begin the development of a blob of filament on the nozzle itself. This setting, measured in cubic millimeters, allows a user to tune the exact amount of material primed to ensure a clear nozzle before printing.
  • Retraction Minimum Travel

    • Measured in millimeters, this setting governs the absolute minimum distance that must be covered by the printhead to require a retraction at all. Helps to reduce the total number of retractions over the course of a print.
  • Maximum Retraction Count

    • Sets a hard cap on the number of retractions that can be performed on a set length of filament in order to reduce wear on the filament itself which can introduce a whole host of issues such as extruder/hot end jams or snagging of the filament within the Bowden tube.
  • Minimum Extrusion Distance Window

    • The ordained length of filament on which the maximum retraction count will act on. This value should be set to roughly the same as the retraction distance so that the effective number of retractions on the same piece of filament is reduced.
  • Combing Mode

    • When enabled, combing will keep the nozzle within printed areas during the printing process to minimize the need for retractions. Can be tuned to only affect certain areas of the print if needed.
  • Retract before Outer Wall

    • When checked, the printer will always retract the filament when starting an exterior shell to ensure no improper deposition of material. 
  • Avoiding Printed Parts/Supports When Traveling

    • Adjusts the sliced model to instruct the hot end to avoid already printed layers of both the part and supports to prevent printing errors. Can only be enabled if combing is already enabled.
  • Travel Avoid Distance

    • Designates a set distance in millimeters for the nozzle to avoid printed parts and supports when making travel moves.
  • Layer Start X

    • A designated X offset, measured in millimeters on where to begin printing each subsequent layer for a particular part. Normally set to a value of 0.
  • Layer Start Y

    • A designated Y offset, measured in millimeters on where to begin printing each subsequent layer for a particular part. Normally set to a value of 0.
  • Z-Hop When Retracted

    • Allows the z-axis of a given printer to increase slightly during retraction moves to ensure maximal clearance between the nozzle and print surface.



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